After Bharath Chandran IPS, which marked the return of Suresh Gopi to the top league, scenarist-turned-director Renji Panicker gets ready with his second directorial venture, Raudram, with Mammootty in lead role. The action thriller sees Mammootty don the khakhi once again on screen, for the 25th time in his acting career.
The film has Mammootty playing the role of Narendran, a daring Police Officer, who has always been keen on doing his duty, but is forced to make compromises due to...
Language: | MALAYALAM |
Genre: | Action, Drama |
Director: | Renji Panikkar |
Producer: | Shahul Hameed Marikkar and Anto Joseph |
Cast: | Mammootty, Manju, Laloo Aalex, Saikumar, Vijayaraghavan, Rajan.P.Dev, Janardhanan, Shammi Thilakan, Subair, T.P.Madhavan, Jayan, Sphadikom George, Maya Moushmi, Urmila Unni. |
Music: | Rajamani |